Sunday, May 4, 2014

Just Like That - Page 2

You are my last drop of water in extreme thirst of deserted loneliness,
You are my only ray of light in darkest fears of swallowing emptiness,
You are my only savior in drowning sea of hopelessness,
You are the seed of life in my breaths.
Minds filled with you and me,
Desires flow through our hearts,
Souls buried in each other,
Let me take you where salvation of love is.

Just Like That - Page 1

....I am never short of words to express my love for you. And my every word lives on my soul, beats my heart and breathe my feel.

....More I express more I feel to express. More I feel more i fall in love with you. More I love you more I become you.

....There is no such time when I think about you. There is no such time when I feel your warmth. There is no such time when I feel you beside me. Because I have become you and time stand still.

....To you unaware of my love, my words may seem like air breathe out but they are one who keep me alive in my absolute form and that is you.